Canada’s Fine Line
The Financial Times Life & Arts Weekend Edition. Photographs by Andreas Rutkauskas, words by Michael Ignatieff.
Essay by Lucas Glenn
As part of a new series of essays taking inspiration from the Alternator archive, Lucas Glenn connects with Andreas Rutkauskas to explore the representation of the climate in creative practice.
Fire Season At The Legacy Art Gallery Until September 7th
The exhibition features poetry, visual art, photography, and video installation from contributors to the Fire Season book and archival wildfire materials from the BC Forest Discovery Centre to take a comprehensive and inclusive look at how wildfire continues to impact British Columbia in a kaleidoscope of cultural, political, industrial, and ecological ways.
Ecologies in Practice:
Environmentally Engaged Arts in Canada
Ecologies in Practice is an edited collection of dynamic and multi-formatted contributions that explore the ways in which cultural production informs perceptions, communications, and knowledge of environmental distress in a Canadian context, pointing to the significance of the arts in the creation and sharing of crucial counter narratives and alternative possibilities.
Significant Forms at the Kelowna Art Gallery
Exhibition runs March 2 - June 9, 2024. Featuring work by Wally Dion, Wanda Lock, Zachari Logan, Amanda McCavour, Samuel Roy-Bois, Andreas Rutkauskas, and Sami Tsang
Stories of Fire
Online Exhibition Series Part III: Sightlines
Confluence Lab & the University of Idaho's Prichard Art Gallery
Éveil, solo exhibition at the Musée Régional de Rimouski
Exhibition runs from October 6 , 2023 - February 4, 2024 in Rimouski, Québec
Fieldwork, Group Exhibition at the Lake Country Art Gallery
Exhibition runs from September 30 - November 25, 2023 in Lake Country, British Columbia
Fire Season II
Bringing together voices from around the world to face the complex subject of wildfires. Our second publication Fire Season II is now available.
The Prefix Prize
Urbanspace Gallery, 401 Richmond St W, Ground Floor, Toronto, Canada
Exhibition runs May 5th - June 25th, 2022
The Resilience of Landscapes
Essay by Franck Michel, portfolio by Andreas Rutkauskas appearing in Ciel Variable 119 - Against Nature
Refuge: Après l’incendie / After the Fire
Grantham Foundation for the Arts and the Environment, September 26 - November 28, 2021
Living with Wildfire
“Rutkauskas, a lecturer in UBCO’s Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies, focuses on photography and videos of landscapes that have undergone changes. For him, the Living with Wildfire project is an opportunity to raise awareness about the diverse perspectives related to wildfire while also highlighting a more holistic approach to the topic.”
Evolving The Forest
Evolving the Forest is a book with a wide array of voices celebrating the past and future of our trees, woods and forests. Contributions are from artists, scientists, policy-makers, foresters, NGOs, historians, philosophers and others, curated into three sections: ecology and forest management, creative responses, and philosophy & polemic. Like all art.earth Books the sumptuous and generous design comes with 230+ colour illustrations.